Hylan Daycare, Inc. provides age-appropriate programs containing the following elements:
- Holistically nurturing a well-rounded individual physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively
- Diversification of implemented curriculum to cater to various learning styles and multiple intelligences
- Value clarification to mold children with character
At the center, we believe that play is a very essential part of a child’s life, making it the most effective way to make learning more viable and effective. We engage the children to various learning activities including play and social interaction. Moreover, the center is spacious, relaxing, and big enough for children to move around. With the guidance of our professional staff, your children are supervised and secured at all times.
Currently, our programs are inclusive of:
Our preschool service caters to children 2 to 5 years old. We provide structured as well as child-directed programs daily where children can practice their curiosity, learn their first ABC and 1-2-3, and make their first friends.
Full Day Universal Prekindergarten Program
NYS Certified Teachers
Board of Education Based Curriculum
At our Center we implement The Common Core Learning Standards. These are Some of the skills we focus on our Pre-K program: Reading Readiness, Math Concepts, Fine Motor Skills, Science, Awareness of Self
Summer camp provides continuum of learning even during school breaks. By exposing them to summer camps, you teach children that it is possible to have fun while learning at the same time.